Wednesday, December 5, 2012

il commence

Bonjour Mates, (see what I did there)
So this journey begins..I have decided, after much thought, to create a blogspot. The fact I considered was well that.. I know many people who have one. :D I did make a wordpress ( but know so many more people who have a blogspot. (That is always way more funner! :P) I will introduce myself a bit. I am 15 years old. Well, my name is Sarah. Call me by the name, Smarthamartha or Sartha. I competitively run cross-country and track since I was a wee thing, sort of. I love it because it has been one of the things that really has shaped me into being who God wants me to be. (..More on that in the.. latter..) You know what I will have to spill the beans now of one thing XC has done for me. I got to meet my bestie, bestest friend EVER. BESTEST EVER! Madeline Grace. She is the "twin". The other half. The weird one. :) Way cooler than moi. Just everything. "A single rose can be my garden. A single friend, my whole world." Ok so, back to introductions. I play clarinet in a band. I used to play piano, but if I ever pick it back up again. I will just ask Maddy. Boy, is she A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! She is awesome it loads of things. We will talk about that later. SO, OK. I love to laugh and meet new people. *Exciting stories on that* **Yay** *Whoohooo* **Yeah** I am considered goofy, but can be serious when the time is needed. I used to be way too shy, Madeline fixed that and I tend to sometimes be more outgoing than her. (JK!) Heh. heh. I guess that's all you need to know for now. Oh! I have a current obsession with photo-shoots now. (More about that too) Because you know what??? Yeah..yeah..?? Well if I told you all the stories now...well then this blog would be a one page blog. BORING. B-O-R-I-N-G (for those who can't speel..speel...LOL) Tata for now. Till' then. All that jazz...Au revoir! ATA! Adios amigos! BYE! BYEBYEE NOW. SBOHEM! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. <333 smarthamartha mates. =D I'll put pictures up later..:P bye!!! remember to follow/comment/reply/yeah/whatevs/whatever...